
If Ohio is now known nationally as the 'Silicon Heartland', then Polymer Valley can be its Science Park City and more. Let's compare : $20B Intel chip-fab project = 1,000 open acres in one mid-Ohio county vs. Polymer Valley = 1.9 million acres in 6 strategic interlocking NE Ohio counties (see orange insert above) with over $10 billion in ready-assets and infrastructure (not including our massive natural resources and fresh water deposits); select-area schools and hospitals, a built-in strategic freight network plus two major airports, its combined synergistic growth potential some are already calling the 'Switzerland of America.'

Q : What do Bezos, Brin and NE Ohio infrastructure have in common ?

A : Two of America's biggest commercial names, Amazon and Google, have new operations here, home of Northeast Ohio's foremost super-regional infrastructure-asset zone for the full realization of Polymer Valley's Science Park plan as a synergistic solution of massive potential growth and prosperity.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin's new company, LTA Research and Exploration will  use Akron's mammoth one-of-a-kind airdock facility for new-generation airship development. LTA Research and Exploration, a California company created by Google's co-founder, is partnering with the University of Akron to use the historic Akron Airdock to develop state-of-the-art, electric-powered zero-emission airships.

Seen below, on the western side of Polymer Valley's 'central city' of Akron, OH (we even made Forbes List naming Polymer Valley in their description!) Jeff Bezos's  transformation of a former major mall site into a massive new Amazon fulfillment center, an Amazon project so large (640,000 sq. ft.) that, in anticipation of heavy tractor-trailer traffic, the city of Akron is completely re-laying surfaces on the fulfillment center's major access road, as well as updating ramps and interchanges of I-76 to the south and I-77 to the north directly in our central city.

> One of History's Greatest Challenges has Been the Shortening of Distance and Time, exponentially solved right here in America by us - - how?

> Polymer Valley's compact 6-county orange map-grid in NE Ohio (shown at top of page as well as further below) historically condenses the entire U.S. continental map from 3.8 million sq. mi. to 3,034 'simpler' sq. mi., transforming our unique self-contained array of river, air, highway and rail-freight's fully-optimized logistical FUEL-cost savings into the most efficient resource-laden, hyper-developmental investment zone in the United States, a geo-physical walled garden no one else can match.

> Our Solution to > Total Addressable Markets (“TAM”) Solved and Contained 

Northeast Ohio has a long-standing history as America's test bed for new products and/or services due to the combination range of ethnicities and income strata in our unique-state demographic located directly between New York and Chicago.

CLICKUPDATE: Pairing Crypto Mining With Green Hydrogen Offers Clean Energy Boost

> Fact : Until now, the key missing piece to the crypto puzzle has been the lack of a total pure play asset class brand which can both physically CONSOLIDATE and accommodate the maximum market-cap potentials we offer direct-to-scale, all with maximum public transparency; e.g., our .com for Science Park City development; our .net for all R & D patents and intellectual property discovered within our Park model; our .org for IoT credit union and banking services. Finally, our combination map, natural resources, and Central Internet Bank plan have the combined potential to transform the smartphone into a single-access, super-consolidated investment, guidance, learning and testing center for innovation and more; in essence establishing a Parallel Business Network focused on real-world utility. - D.B.Keller

The Bitcoin / Polymer Valley GRAIL Paradox -

> HOW WE SOLVE THE HALVING: Dividing something is not the same as expanding it; (a good currency needs to be “scarcely abundant” but Bitcoin is actually “abundantly scarce.") This 'Satoshi dilemma' can ONLY be solved (regulated) through a rarefied paradox of a privately-owned, yet state dedicated asset-zone interfaced with the public, thus the only way to balance the Bitcoin CURRENCY paradox is with the Polymer Valley ASSET paradox in order to become our fully-scalable FAILSAFE Crypto Solution.

Because there is no second place in solving the crypto-asset challenge to scale.

"Ideally, one must first have a state-sponsored, yet privately-owned, super-regional grounded asset as the most highly-qualified bureaucratic candidate for maximum institutional investor participation at the matching TRILLION dollar level. According to UBS, a Swiss multi-national investment bank, Bitcoin must clear two hurdles to become a viable option as a true currency: its price would have to hit $213,000 and its networking capabilities would need dramatic improvement (our plan, logistics and location.) Bitcoin can never independently achieve nor sustain such a dynamic multiple without attracting institutional investors which we can, while continuing to scale through our exclusive IoT science park solution, Polymer Valley can ultimately serve as its own super-regional stock exchange on the blockchain." - D.B. Keller


If bitcoin wants to surge to and remain above $213,000, hundreds of billions of dollars must be poured into the market. What matters most is where the unprecedented amount of capital comes from and how it enters the market; a new market structure must be defined - - “what to do now” and “what to invest in now” - -  our super-regional Science Park / Genome Project is the most dramatic research-investment application.

 > Polymer Valley : Self-proclaimed, "America's Hydrogen UpREIT." What is an UpREIT ? < click

Already a multi-billion dollar natural gas and shale oil center, Polymer Valley is nearly twice as large as Silicon Valley and nearly 190 times larger than the original Research Triangle Park (est. c. 1959) in Durham, NC. / Furthermore, near half-century old Silicon Valley is merely a nickname for a southern portion of the San Francisco bay area, whereas Polymer Valley applies to a state-recognized 3,034 sq. mi. 6-county map set, so as a key matter-of-record, Polymer Valley outranks Silicon Valley in size, strategic location, dynamic intermodal freight and logistics networks, as well as our invaluable concentration of oil, gas, critical fresh water (trading in fresh water will soon be the new 'blue gold') as well as the massive, multi-billion dollar hydrogen gas deposits we have, to successfully create, run and sustain such a massive project as our public-investment Science Park City plan for IoT (Internet of Things) and more. 

Polymer Valley's Science Park City Plan 
Polymer Valley's massive 'Science Park City' plan also applies to our genome research, adjunct-hospital assistance plan, providing vital assistance key hospitals need, but are limited due to massive research costs we can help radically offset.

Planned Research-Adjunct Hospital Services : Summit County = Summa Health System / Portage County = UH Portage Medical Center / Trumbull County = Mercy Health St. Elizabeth / Stark County = Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital / Columbiana County = Salem Regional Medical  / Mahoning County = Northside Medical Center 

Already having one of the highest-rated hospital networks in the nation, northeast Ohio is the ideal setting for our planned 20-year genome-research hospital assistance via our Science Park City plan; Phase I (theoretically starting in 2020) ending in 2040; Phase II in 2060; Phase III in 2080, Phase IV, etc., on a continuous 20-year cycle  - the greatest LIFE SCIENCE futures market play of all time.    

Why a full 20-yr tracking plan? Because of Medicare's potential involvement to co-track the results, ensuring our genome project-plan a full 20-yr. vista per patient.
Creatively re-applying Polymer Valley's potential multi--trillion dollar IoT market-cap proxy value courtesy of Cisco's John Chambers IoT Projection , Polymer Valley's official Science Park City plan will also develop competencies in the implementation of blockchain technologies at the municipal, regional and federal levels, enabling participants to learn, create, test and develop new products and equipment, as well as the most trustworthy place for broadcasting the price they agree to.
> The secret to creating a world-beating service is to make something which is otherwise very, very complicated seem devastatingly simple, in this case a public-investment model which will easily outperform all banks, re-energize the stock market, help build our science parks as well as other planned expansions, thus creating high-yield stocks and bond options for homeowners and more.

RE: Our Proprietary Blockchain plan :

Some blockchain users may not want to carry-out transactions on the old chain, and they will, therefore, transfer their resources to the new chain (via hard fork option) and vice versa. Some will want to work on both chains (which has now proven hazardous, so we can also serve to eliminate that problem ); however, the longest chain wins and more often carries the name and support of the original chain’s developers. As such, we have a 'finishing-genius touch' to become the foremost blockchain everyone will want to migrate to - a proprietary, brilliant option we will disclose to only those investors most eager to work with us.

> The State of Ohio is already known for its progressive approach toward blockchain with its new Senate Bill 220  which places the state as the policy leader on blockchain technology-use cases, not to mention, the Tax Foundation has ranked Ohio No. 1 in distribution center corporate tax costs. Geographic location and a robust distribution and supply chain makes Ohio a prime  hub for logistics and transportation. As such, CNBC named Ohio among the top 10 best states for business because of its infrastructure and logistics capabilities; we also wish to be known (via our Marcellus gas and oil shelf) as America's Hydrogen UpREIT.

> Polymer Valley's phenomenal array of rail, water, air and highway networks ensure rapid regional-scaling potential. Our strategic east (Youngstown / Warren) and west (Akron / Canton) airports approx. 70 mi. apart in Foreign Trade Zone #181 will further optimize our intermodal-freight logistics growth critical for scaling IoT time-to-action situations as the Authoritative Research Zone for Life Sciences and the Internet of Things.

Polymer Valley's planned creation of a private network of 'Smartcounty' Research Villages (company towns) will vigorously complement each of the 6 county (approx. 500 sq. mi. per county) demographics (total area: 3,034 sq. mi.) as per the following :
  •     Summit County / U of Akron Polymer Research
  •     Portage County : Genome Project NEOMED ) 
  •     Trumbull County : Communications  (Warren Hub)
  •     Stark County : Agrotechnology ( Smart Farming )
  •     Columbiana County : Waterways (Marine Biology)
  •     Mahoning : Computer Science - (Youngstown State)

"I herewith invite and welcome all negotiable acquisition offers to my primary company link, and the above-mentioned Science Park City plan for 2024 and beyond."

David B. Keller, Pres.
Polymer Valley Media Corporation
3867 W. Market St., # 245
Akron, OH 44333  U.S.A.

Company Cultural Asset -
Our privately-owned
Available for LICENSING and Sub-Licensing

"What has always amazed me is, even with the most advanced telescopes; e,g., Palomar, FAST, and now Webb, it's the man with the binoculars (my company) who finds the comet." - D.B.K.

Note: Polymer Valley Media Corporation is not a state agency, has no debt, and does not utilize taxpayer dollars. Key links herein have been web-archived for maximuhistorical        online verification.